
“Friends of Triway” exists to share the vision of Triway Local Schools with our community.


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After more than a year of research, community discussions and a state performance audit, the Triway School board reached the decision to unify the district into one pre-K through grade 12 building.
Why? We have an Innovative Educational Opportunity…


Fiscal responsibility, expansion of innovative programming and increased efficiency all lead to one campus for Triway’s future.

Efficiency and Increased Accessibility

– School nurse/healthcare resource
– Mental health and counseling services
– Technology resources
– Special education services

Efficiency and Cost Savings

– One food service department
– One maintenance/custodial department
– Improved Safety resources

Teacher/Staff Collaboration

– Consistency in educational opportunities
– Efficiency of shared staff members
– Flexible use of teachers’ strengths to expand educational opportunities

Consolidation of Educational Resources to Expand Programs

– Science, Technology, Engineering,
Arts & Math (STEAM)
– Gifted Classes
– Fine Arts Programs

Frequently Asked Questions:

Frequently Asked Questions, Levy details, Videos and more.

How much will the project cost?

1. How much will the project cost?

The base project investment is $53,145,163.

  • Local share: $36,138,711
  • State share: $17,006,452

The base project will be partially funded through a $9,000,000 pipeline financing option. The district will also be responsible for Locally Funded Initiatives (LFIs), which are estimated at $7,000,000. The total local cost is estimated to be $34,138,711.

For more info go to http://www.triway.k12.oh.us/one-campus/cost-estimation

What is a locally funded initiative (LFI)?

What is a locally funded initiative (LFI)?

An LFI allows us to address needs that are important to our school and community, like an auditorium, which was prioritized during our community engagement phase. This would promote revenue through partnerships and rental fees.

Earned Income Tax Info:

1. What is an earned income tax?

An earned income tax only taxes wages and tips, self-employment income, sole proprietorships and partnership income.

An earned income tax does NOT tax:

  • Interest
  • Dividends
  • Capital gains
  • Pensions
  • Annuity income
  • Rental income
  • Lottery winnings
  • Unemployment
  • Income from estates
  • Social Security benefits
  • Child support
  • Alimony

2. If the issue passes, how much more will I pay in earned income tax?

The median income of a resident in the Triway School District is $33,891.00. This would cost the average resident $28.24 per month.

The ballot issue is requesting a 1 percent school district earned income tax. If approved, the tax would cost residents of the school district the following based on their incomes: a resident with an annual earned income of $25,000 would pay $250 per year; $50,000 would pay $500 per year; and $100,000 would pay $1000 per year. This tax is not applicable to income such as interest, dividends, capital gains and pensions. Also, nonresidents of the district are not subject to the tax, even if they work within the district’s boundaries. Corporations are also exempt from the tax.

For more info go to: http://www.triway.k12.oh.us/one-campus/earned-income-tax

How will the revenue from the 1% earned income tax be used?

Q: How will the revenue from the 1% earned income tax be used?

The 1% earned income tax is a new request for 26 years. The new tax serves a different purpose than the current .75% earned income tax. The request on November’s ballot is to fund a Pre-K-12 campus that will allow for better allocation of educational resources. The expansion of gifted, special education, fine arts, and STEAM programming will also have an immediate positive impact on our educational framework. A significant increase in accessibility to critical school health, mental health and safety services is also a beneficial component of the one campus model.

Triway relies upon the current earned income tax to meet the operating costs of the district. These costs include such expenses as salaries, utilities, transportation, food service, and support services like special education, gifted, music, STEAM, and visual arts. The income tax has also funded the implementation of new initiatives, such as the Leader in Me, that build leadership capacity and enhance district culture. The .75% is used for operating expenses and is renewed every four years. It is scheduled for renewal in 2020.

Will this effect my property taxes?

Q: What effect will this levy have on my property taxes?

This earned income tax levy has no impact on property taxes.

What about the Rover Pipeline Income?

Q: I thought the revenue from the Rover Pipeline was going to be able to pay for the new building initiative.

A: A substantial part of the project ($9,000,000) will be financed by property taxes generated by Rover Pipeline. This is not an additional revenue source, but an increase to current property tax valuation. The property tax revenue generated by the Rover Pipeline on an annual basis is not enough to fully fund the building project.

Are the tax receipts from the Rover Pipeline guaranteed?

Q: Are the tax receipts from the Rover Pipeline guaranteed?

The value of the Rover pipeline is not in the natural gas flowing through the pipeline, but in the real property (land values, project costs, pipe, etc.). Over a 30 year period, the values depreciate, but never fully go away. Any upgrades done to the pipeline will increase the cost value, therefore minimizing the impact of the depreciation.

How will three buildings under one roof work?

Q: If the new building is acting as three separate buildings, what are the benefits of having everything under one roof?

Having all grade levels under one roof provides a number of benefits that would not be possible if we maintained separate buildings, including:

  • Increased efficiencies and accessibility for the school nurse/healthcare resources, mental health and counseling services, technology resources and special education services
  • Increased efficiencies and cost savings through a consolidated food service department, maintenance department and safety resources
  • The ability to consolidate educational resources in order to expand programming
  • Increased teacher and staff collaboration

One campus also provides district unity and increases student leadership and mentoring opportunities.

For more info see this infographic: http://www.triway.k12.oh.us/one-campus/why-one-campus

Will my Kindergartner interact with a 12th grader?

Q: Will my elementary school-aged student(s) be interacting with middle and high school students?

A: No. In planning for one building, it was important to Triway to maintain a distinct separation among the elementary, middle and high school grades. Essentially, the one campus will be three separate buildings under one roof, operating independently. There will be two cafeterias serving from one shared kitchen; three separate gyms; dedicated, separate academic spaces by grade level; staggered start times for primary and secondary students; two separate bus routes; and structured and supervised mentorship opportunities.

See the Buildings Infographic: http://www.triway.k12.oh.us/one-campus/building-layout

How will the proceeds from the sale of Franklin Township Elementary be used?

Q: How will the proceeds from the sale of Franklin Township Elementary be used?

The $200,000.00 from the sale of the building will go into the general fund to finance day to day operations. Additionally, the one campus project cost will realize a savings of over $150,000 due to the sale versus the demolition of Franklin.

Why is it important to support the development of a restitution plan for the village of Shreve?

Why is it important to support the development of a restitution plan for the village of Shreve?

Shreve has village responsibilities including water, utilities, and infrastructure that rely on the taxes generated by employees and residents. A committee will be established with representation from both the school district and the Village of Shreve to develop the contract, which outlines the economic plan for the current Shreve Elementary site.

What is the projected timeline for the one campus facility to be operational?

What is the projected timeline for the one campus facility to be operational?

The projected timeline would allow for the new one campus to be operational for the 2024- 25 school year.



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    Friends of Triway
    C/O Joan Kiper, Treasurer
    1460 Clover St Wooster, Ohio 44691

    *Make check out to “Friends of Triway”
Paid for by “Friends of Triway” – Joan Kiper (Treasurer) 1460 Clover St Wooster, Ohio 44691